Monday, December 31, 2007

Lock In

ALL NIGHTER Jr and Sr High Event!

FRIDAY, JAN 11, 2008 (7:00pm) until SATURDAY, JAN 12, 2008 (8:00am)!!!

Things to Bring:
  • $5 plus other money for canteen 
  • Warm Clothes
  • Skates, Hockey Stick
  • Guitar or Preferred Instrument
  • Sleeping Bag


*Gorgons (both old and new schools)
*Street Hockey / Skating
*Guitar Hero 3
*Dance Dance Revolution
*Settlers of Catan
*IGNITE Practice 
*Guitar Circle
*Spelling Bee
*Dead Pirates!?!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas

Youth Events have wrapped up for the year, we have one more youth@eleven this Sunday and will finish watching The Nativity movie.
Have a wonderful Christmas Season!
We will see you in the New Year.
Youth@Eleven starts up again on January 6
Youth Group starts up again January 11. It's a combined Jr and Sr High Lock-in with piles of activities! Friday night 7 pm to 8 am Saturday Morning!
Cafe Monday starts up on January 14
The Hour for Jr Highs starts up January 15

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Super Heroes Feast!!

It's the last event before Christmas. Don't Miss Out!!

$10 Friday Dec 14, 6-9pm at Rosewood Park Alliance
(corner of Courtney St. and Whelan Dr.)

Ninja Turtles Cafe
Games Inspired by your favorite Super Heroes
Ninja Weapons Show!

Don't forget to dress up!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas is for Giving!

We are having our Christmas Parties for Jr. and Sr. High this weekend!

Instead of doing a gift swap, please bring $5 of "Stocking Stuffers" because we are putting together gifts for Operation Christmas Stocking. This is a program put on by Souls Harbour Rescue Mission to provide needy men, women and children with a pair of new socks and some useful items.

Good ideas of Stocking Stuffers are:
-Toothbrush and Toothpaste
-Hotel Sized Toiletries
-Washcloth, tissues, comb, lip balm
-Gum/Small Candies
-Small Sewing kit
-Small Address Book, pen and pad
-Postage Stamps, Bus Tickets
-Small Cross
-Gift certificates for fast-food restaurants

Remember, these are packed into socks, so bring small items. (ie, not a big box of kleenex)

Sr. High is doing a progressive supper. Meet at the church Friday at 7, bring $2.

Jr. High is having a pot-luck at the church on Saturday from 7-10. Last name A-M bring an appetizer, Last name N-Z bring a dessert.

Make sure you dress up for this formal occasion!

...and don't forget coming Dec 14. The Super Heroes Feast at Rosewood Alliance from 6-9 pm, Cost $10. It includes food, games a Ninja Weapons show and more!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ginger Madness!?!

What happens when you mix Ginger Bread Houses with Gorgons?  ...I'm not sure I want to know but we will find out this weekend!

Sr. High is Friday Night and we are having a dash of Ginger Bread, with a hearty axe full of Guitar Hero.

Jr. High is Saturday Night and we are building Ginger Bread Houses before we get to Gorgons!

Bring money for the canteen, both events are 7-10 pm.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Project Serve ...and Souper Sunday Rider Edition!

Souper Sunday is this Sunday and we are doing a very special Rider Pride Edition, so wear your Rider gear, or dress in green to represent!

On Souper Sunday's we have soup, rolls, dessert, coffee and juice and we invite everyone from church to stay for lunch! The youth put things together and people can give a donation for their lunch that will go to help both our ministry trip next summer to Calgary and to further development in the youth lounge!

We are project Serving it up again!  

This week for youth The Jr High group is meeting FRIDAY at Westhill from 5:30 to 9:00!  Yes that is very different than usual.  We will need drivers, so if parents can drive that would be great!  We are going to help with the children's drop in time at North Central Family Centre.  Bring a couple dollars to get snacks when we head back to the church.

For Sr Highs we are helping with the church decorating on Saturday from 10:00 to 3 or 4 in the afternoon.  If you can only show up for a part of the time that is fine.  We are going to do a McDonald's run for lunch so bring some money for that.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Everyone wants to be a ROCKSTAR!

This is the weekend your dreams come true!

Sr. High's are going to Rock Out while they are Rock Climbing!
We are meeting at Regina Court and Fitness 3615 Pasqua St.
Friday Night 7-10 Cost $10.

Jr. High's are going to take the next stap towards Stardome at Karaoke Superstar!
Meet at Westhill Saturday Night 7-10. Bring money for snacks at our New Canteen!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lots going on this week!

Remember When Swimming was FUN!!

We're bringing it back this Friday! Both Jr. and Sr. High meet at the church Friday at 7:00 the cost is $5.

Girls, wear one piece or tankini swimsuits.

We'll need extra drivers so ask if your parents can help drive. We'll be back at the church for pickup at 10:00.

...and then on Sunday IGNITE is leading worship for the morning services! Make sure you come out to support the team! It'll be like Sunday Morning with a twist!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sr Retreat - Jr Girls & Guys Nite

The Sr Retreat is this weekend! We are going out to KBK, we meet at Westhill Friday at 6:00 and get back to the church Saturday at 10:00.

Make sure that you let Byron know if you are coming by Wednesday and let him know if your parents can drive on Friday or Saturday.

Jr. High is having Girls and Guys Nite out this Saturday from 7-10pm!

Girls are going to Murdoch's 161 Krivel Crescent.

Guys are going to Parkers's 6723 Maple Ridge Drive.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Jr Retreat @ KBK & Sr Guys/Girls Nite Out

The Jr. Retreat is This Weekend!!
We are meeting at the church Friday at 6:00 and will be back Saturday night at 10:00. The cost is $25. Let Byron know by Wednesday if you are planning to come.
Sr. High are having Guys/Girls Nite Out! The Guys Nite is at Josephson's 6174 Wellband Drive and the Girls Nite is at Mayers 8210 Sherwood Drive. Girls bring your swim suits for the hot tub!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rake 'n' Run

They'll never know what hit them!?!

We will be going around and raking peoples yards leaving nothing behind. ...but a couple big bags of leaves I guess.

Sr High is Friday 7-10
Jr. High is Saturday 7-10

Bring a Rake and $2. We will have snacks and games after.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Enjoy the turkey and stuffing with your family!

There are no Friday or Saturday Events this weekend and Cafe Monday is off for the coming week.

THE HOUR is here next Tuesday, so don't miss that!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Project Serve - Jr. and Sr. Friday Night!

Yes, Jr. is Friday, not Saturday this week again!

This Friday we are all meeting at Westhill and then going out to do Project Serve.

The Jr. High Group is going to the North Central Family Centre (2931 5th Ave.) to hang out with the kids and show God's Love!

The Sr. High Group is going to Healing Hearts Ministry (766 Angus St.) to help them with clean-up and getting things organized since they have just moved into a new building!

Meet at Westhill @ 7pm, pickup is @ 10pm. We will need extra drivers so ask your parents if they could help drive us.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This Friday! ...3 ...2 ...1

Burninate with God's Glory!

Worship featuring IGNITE! Games and extras to follow.

Both Jr. and Sr. High at Westhill 7-10 pm this Friday $2.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Corn Maze

We are going to the Corn Maze this Weekend!!

Sr. High is Friday 7-10 pm
Jr. High is Saturday 7-10 pm

Meet at Westhill, cost $8.

The Events (as seen in The Brochure)

Just in case you didn't smell what the Ronster was cooking, here is an update.

youth@eleven (grades 7-12)
Sunday Mornings at 11 in the Youth Lounge (aka church basement). We will spend some time together as a large group and then break into smaller discussion groups.

IGNITE (grades 7-12)
Formerly known as “youth band”
IGNITE will be more active this year in the Sunday morning services! Practices are in the sanctuary on Saturdays from 10am – noon.

Skit Team (grades 7-12)
New this year!! If you like drama, you’ll love the skit team. Learn how to act in short skits and use your talents for God. Practices are Tuesdays from 4:30 – 5:30.

Café Monday (grades 9-12)
Come for a coffee and discover Biblical views on issues that we face in everyday life. Meet @ Byron & Lori’s on Monday nights from 7-9pm. (8050 Woods Bay)

THE HOUR (grades 7-8)
Get more familiar with the Bible and what it teaches us. Meet in the Youth Lounge on Tuesdays @ 6:30.

Sr. High Friday Nights (grades 9-12)
Friday nights from 7-10. Meet in the Youth Lounge unless you hear otherwise! Check out the website to be sure. Bring $2 to cover the costs for food and stuff.

Jr. High Saturday Nights (grades 6-8)
Saturday nights from 7-10. Meet in the Youth Lounge unless you hear otherwise! Check out the website to be sure. Bring $2 to cover the costs for food and stuff.

Quizzing (grades 7-12)
Our quiz team works hard all year learning huge portions of scripture by memory! It’s hard, but it’s fun. Quizzers attend quiz meets every few months throughout Sask/Manitoba. Practices are Tuesdays @ 7:30 in the Youth Lounge.

Power & Praise Puppets (grades 6-12)
Share the gospel by becoming a puppeteer! Our puppet team has been around for a long time and is very active all around the community. They will be accepting new puppeteers in January.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Friday, August 31, 2007

Youth and Family Kickoff

Here are the directions to the farm where we are having the kickoff.

Ode to School

School days, school days,
Dear old golden rule days!

As someone who is out of school, (but still taking classes) I just want to let all of you students know that these are the best days of your life. Treasure them. Cherish them. (I promised myself I wouldn't cry)

Friday, August 24, 2007


It's the countdown to youth again. Our Kick-off is September 7 and then on the 14th and 15th we are going to the Corn Maze! For comments, let me know some of your favorite event ideas!