Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Maundy Thursday

Come prepare for Good Friday and Easter Sunday
Maundy Thursday
This is a City-Wide Youth service put on by the Youth Pastors here in Regina. Come out to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus has made for you. We are on the eve of the most important event in Christianity, don't miss it.

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2008
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Western Christian College
Street: 100 4400 4th Avenue
Good Friday
10:30 Service at Westhill
Come as we remember the Sacrifice of Jesus death on the Cross
Easter Sunday
10:30 Baptism Service at Westhill!
Come and Celebrate the Resurection!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I can't confirm that this photo was taken on the summit of Mission Ridge, but that is pretty much how I picture us looking when we are up there.
Yes, you have heard that it is coming up and now it is here! The Sno-Trip to Mission Ridge!
We meet at Westhill at 8:00 this Saturday morning (March 15) and will be arriving back at Westhill at 5:30 pm.
Ski Rental and Lift Ticket $25
Snowboard Rental and Lift Ticket $36
Helmet Rental (Mandatory for Snowboarders) $4
Lift Tickey Only $14.50
Lunch Special $5
Make Cheques out to Westhill Park Baptist Church
You are also welcome to bring lunches and snacks on your own!
There is a Mission Ridge Consent form and a Youth Group Consent form that your parents NEED to fill out. If you do not have one, call the church 775-1616 and you can pick one up there.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Jr High Games Saturday Night!

All Your Wildest Dreams Will Come True!

There is a Quiz Meet this weekend, so good luck to all the quizzers, have a great time!
On Saturday Night we are having a Jr. High games night at the church from 7 to 10!
Bring a couple bucks for snacks at the canteen!